路基盖板模具 |
添加时间:2018/9/7 14:43:34 浏览次数: |
什么是路基 What is roadbed? 路基由填筑或开挖而形成的直接支承轨道的结构。也叫做线路下部结构。路基与桥梁、隧道相连,共同构成一条线路。路基依其所处的地形条件不同,有两种基本形式:路堤和路堑,俗称填方和挖方。 The structure of a direct supporting track formed by filling or excavation. Also known as the substructure of the circuit. The roadbed is connected with a bridge and a tunnel to form a line. There are two basic forms of subgrade: embankment and cutting, commonly known as filling and excavation. 盖板通俗意义上讲是用来封闭或盖住容器、箱子或结构物截面的端部或顶部的盖、罩或顶 A cover, cover, or roof used to enclose or cover the end or top of a container, box, or structure section. 路基盖板模具是由聚丙烯原料或者ABS树脂(丙烯腈-苯乙烯-丁二烯共聚物)经过高温融化注塑而成的方形塑料盒子。主要用于道路排水系统。 The mold for Subgrade cover plate is a square plastic box made of polypropylene raw material or ABS resin (acrylonitrile-styrene-butadiene copolymer) by high temperature melting and injection molding. It is mainly used for road drainage system. |
上一页 电缆槽盖板模具的制作过程 |
下一页 电缆施工方法大全 |