水泥盖板模具的分类有哪些? |
添加时间:2019/6/18 14:54:00 浏览次数: |
水泥盖板模具的分类 水泥盖板模具分带孔和不带孔两种。水泥盖板模具通俗的说就是应用在边沟上边一般都会用到水泥盖板,其作用是在暴雨、洪涝灾害来临时能够及时的将雨水排走,给人们的出行带来方便,这样的模具一般是带孔的。 The classification of cement cover die is divided into two types: zonal and non-zonal. Cement cover die is commonly used in side ditches. Its function is to drain rainwater in time when rainstorms and floods occur, which brings convenience to people's travel. Such die usually has holes. |
上一页 钢格栅沟盖板特点 |
下一页 盖板模具是生产水泥预制路沿石的模具模型 |