





Ditch cover mold industry needs to cultivate internal strength and take intensive development route. The first thing we need to do is to change our concepts, establish the concept of long-term development and formulate feasible goals and plans. At the same time, enterprises need to get out of the price competition and turn to internal work, focusing on product structure optimization, product quality improvement, core technology mastery and innovation, as well as the expansion of enterprise brand influence. In order to give prominence to the comparative advantages in the international mold market, the molds in China must go to the road of large-scale, digital intelligence and ecological energy-saving. The high-end production molds have become the necessary way for the industry to seek new development.
Groove cover plate mold has become a common use in the market, the mold sales increase year by year, this kind of mold material selection occupies the main advantage, for sales of groove cover plate mold annual sales of millions, suitable for long-term batch production. The use of the mold for the trench cover plate is simple and easy to operate, and it has become a rare production process in the market. The use of the mold has become a new fashion. The mold for the trench cover plate is customized according to the customer's size. The mold for the trench cover plate is mainly produced in batches. The inner surface of the die is smooth, which increases the surface smoothness of the cement products and increases the use of each die.


  1. 保定市超宇模具模板制造有限公司
  2. 微信:15833229779
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  4. 邮箱:3096420649@qq.com
  5. 地址:保定市东三环保新路口往南1000米路西

版权 © 保定市超宇模具模板制造有限公司 网址:mojugg.37ix.com.cn  推荐:盖板模具,沟盖板模具,隔离墩钢模具