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Controlling the raw materials is the key to solve the color difference thoroughly. Therefore, especially in the production of light colored products, the obvious influence of the different thermal stability of raw resin on the color fluctuation of products cannot be ignored. In production, it is often encountered that the temperature of the barrel changes dramatically due to the damage and failure of a heating ring or the long burning of the heating control part out of control, resulting in color difference. The color difference caused by this kind of reasons is easy to determine. Generally, the color difference caused by the damage and failure of heating ring will be accompanied by the uneven plasticization, while the out of control long burning of heating control part is often accompanied by the product gas spot, serious discoloration and even coking. Therefore, it is necessary to check the heating part frequently in production, and replace and repair the heating part in time if it is damaged or out of control, so as to reduce the probability of such color difference.
When the injection molding process parameters need to be adjusted for non color difference reasons, the injection temperature, back pressure, injection cycle and the amount of Color Masterbatch should not be changed as much as possible. At the same time, the influence of the change of process parameters on the color should be observed. If the color difference is found, it should be adjusted in time. All of these reasons need a lot of experience to avoid, so it is still necessary for workers to master more professional skills in the production of injection groove cover mold products


  1. 保定市超宇模具模板制造有限公司
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